Mixed Box Of Biscuits & Slices$60.00PriceMix box of biscuits sells in a box, all made to order.Box size is 180mm x 180mm x 80mm high. Approximate weight is 800 - 1000 grams per box depending on product.Date product is required to be picked up by from Milperra, which we also need to confirm.500Name list of biscuits to include in the box.500QuantityAdd to CartBuy Now
Mixed Box Of Biscuits & Slices$60.00PriceMix box of biscuits sells in a box, all made to order.Box size is 180mm x 180mm x 80mm high. Approximate weight is 800 - 1000 grams per box depending on product.Date product is required to be picked up by from Milperra, which we also need to confirm.500Name list of biscuits to include in the box.500QuantityAdd to CartBuy Now